Dear Jonathan,
Thanks for this information, that Luis himself
seems to have had no plans to publish whatever he had accomplished. His Preface to the 1996 book gave the impression that much of the writing of the other two projected volumes was already done. Besides saying that he had prepared two different translations of each text, a free one and technical one (p. xi), he also wrote (p. xiv):
"In the introductions to the technical translations, I explain in more detail what I mean by 'free' and 'technical.' There I also explain the theoretical justification for this distinction and in what sense this is to a great extent a working or pragmatic distinction."
He indicated that his technical translations were heavily annotated.
It would be a shame if all this work was lost forever.
I was glad to hear of your own work on the smaller sutra. Please do let us all know when you publish this. Of course, no rush, but please live long enough to complete it (unlike the lamented Luis Gomez)!
You mentioned the Sanskrit materials published by Fujita. I wonder if you are referring to the corrections he published in 1975, both to the larger sutra edited by Atsuuji Ashikaga, and to the smaller sutra edited by F. Max Muller and Bunyiu Nanjio. Or did he also publish complete editions? I only know of his published corrections.
Best regards,
David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.