Dear David
As far as I know--and I tried to find out several times--Luis himself had no plans to publish whatever he had accomplished, despite my own entreaties and offers to help. Moreover, while I do not have direct contact with his widow, it is my understanding that access to the materials he left behind is not easy.
As far as the smaller sūtra goes, however, I myself will publish something (let's not get into my promising a date!) which will try to take into account all available materials, including a reconsideration of the Sanskrit materials published by Fujita who, however, actually normalized his texts to a degree that perhaps slightly misrepresents the tradition as available.
When I have something, I'll let you know.
Best, Jonathan

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:08 PM David and Nancy Reigle via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
As many of you know, English translations by the late Luis O. Gomez of both the shorter and longer Sukhāvatī-vyūha-sūtras, from Sanskrit, and again from Chinese, were published in 1996 by University of Hawai'i Press in the book titled, The Land of Bliss. These were what he called his "free" translations of these texts. Two more volumes were to come out, giving his technical translations of these texts, heavily annotated. Does anyone know if these translations were completed? If they still exist? If they will ever be published?


Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.
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J. Silk
Leiden University
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