- Beck, Brenda E. F., 1969. Colour and heat in South Indian ritual. Man NS 4: 566-570.

- Bedekar, V. M., 1968. The doctrine of the colours of souls in the Mahābhārata*: Its characteristics and implications. ABORI 48-49: 329-

- Damais, Louis-Charles, 1969. A propos des couleurs symboliques des points cardinaux (Études javanaises, III). Bulletin d'École Francçaise d'Extrême-Orient 56: 75-118. 

- Filliozat, Jean, 1957. Classement des couleurs et des lumières en sanskrit. Pp. 303-308 in: Ignace Meyerson (ed.), Problèmes de la couleur. (Bibliothèque général de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, IVe séction.) Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N. Reprinted, pp. 185-190 in: Filliozat, Jean, 1974. Laghu-prabandhāḥ: Choix d'articles d'indologie. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 

- Grönbold, Günter, 1978. Die Farbensymbolik in der buddhistischen Ikonographie. Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 32: 117-122.

- Hopkins, Edward W., 1883. Words for color in the Rig Veda. American Journal of Philology 4 (2): 166-191.

- Janert, Klaus Ludwig, and P. Rajagopal Subramanian, 1973. Colours in Early Tamil: A study based on Cilappadikaram. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 2 (1): 141-150. 

- Jain, Narendra Kumar, 1978. Indian colour* symbolism. Berlin. (Ph. D. thesis, Technical university of Berlin, 1977.)

- Kintaert, Thomas, 2005. The use of primary colours in the Nāṭyaśāstra. Pp. 245-273 in: S. Das & E. Fürlinger (eds.ö), SAmarasya: Studies in Indian arts, philosophy and interreligious dialogue in honour of Bettina Bäumer. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld.

- Parpola, Asko, 2015. The Roots of Hinduism: The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 24: Retrospect and Prospect, pp. 314-317 (“speculations on the social structure of the Indus Civilization and the mode of thinking among its priestly administrators”, with a starting point in the five visible planets and their colours.)

- Sahlins, M, 1976. Colors and cultures. Semiotica 16: 1-22. 

- Sandahl, Stella, 1977. Le Gītagovinda: Tradition et innovation dans le kāvya. Stockholm. Chapter on “Les couleurs des sentiments”, pp. 144-154.

- Slavik, Jan, 1994. Dance of colours: Basic patterns of colour symbolism in Mahāyāna Buddhism. (Etnologiska studier, 41.) Göteborg: Etnografiska Museet i Göteborg. vii, 249 pp.

Note also that at the shift of October and November, 2009, the theme “Yugas and colours” was discussed in the Indology-list.

Best wishes, Asko Parpola