The Rocher publication bequest is thoughtful and generous and will be a godsend to early-career scholars in Indian studies.

The Gonda Fund may not be as well known as it deserves as another potential source of support for Indological publications.  In addition to the fellowships for research at IIAS, the Gonda Fund also covers funding for:
  • a project or publication in Indology by researchers or scientific publishers
  • PhD student grants for promising PhD students for a special research project, a working visit abroad, or another activity.
Elegibility for this support is not limited to any country or publisher.  Read more.


Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

On Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 13:54, Lindquist, Steven via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

On a related note, let me draw everyone's attention to a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education on monograph publishing and subventions (attached). Obviously, some of the issues discussed may play out differently in different contexts, but it is good to think with.  In particular, my interest is how some of us—given that our career choices are likely leave us with rather modest assets—might be able to positively affect future generations of the field.  Funding subventions (and, I would add, also conference travel grants for grad students) is a fantastic route where smaller amounts of money can go a very long way.


My best,










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