Dear Dr Truschke, Dear Dr Sauthoff,

I would like to thank you to raise the problem which an important part of my life as a feminine scholar and, additionally,  a scholar from the previous Eastern Europe (Poland).  


Joanna Jurewicz

Prof. dr hab. Joanna Jurewicz
Katedra Azji Południowej /Chair of South Asia
Wydział Orientalistyczny / Faculty of Oriental Studies
Uniwersytet Warszawski /University of Warsaw
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa

pt., 5 kwi 2019 o 21:06 Audrey Truschke via INDOLOGY <> napisał(a):
Dear Dr. Sauthoff,

Thank you very much for this. I found it edifying and enlightening.

All the Best,

Audrey Truschke
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Rutgers University-Newark

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 8:43 PM Patricia Sauthoff via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
I did a little analysis of two recent emails sent out on the list by the same sender. One email was in response to a male and the other to a female. Both emails were on the same topic and sent within a few minutes of one another. 

The male to male (MM) email used the second person "you" and the first person "I" in a 1:2 ratio. 

The male to female (MF) email used "you" to "I" in a 1:3.6 ratio. 

The first paragraph of the MM email directly addressed the previous email by a male academic.

The first paragraph of the FM email reiterated a point that the male writer said previously, something that occurred more than once in the FM email.

The MM email contained:
 one instance of concern trolling
one instance of an off-topic remark
 several instances of aggressive wording. 
The MM email contained no obvious typos.

The MF email contained: 
one instance of antagonistic wording
at least two instances of passive aggressive wording
two instances of concern trolling
three instances of questioning the female list member's intellectual ability (aka gaslighting)
two off-topic comments (one of which containing offensive and dismissive language)
one instance of what could be perceived as a veiled threat. 
The MF email contained multiple obvious typos.

Some definitions of the types of trolling women experience online can be found here:

I am not trying to call anyone out in particular but find it to be a good demonstration of how women are approached differently in online spaces. 

Patricia Sauthoff
Post-doctoral researcher
Department of History and Classics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
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