Dear friends,

I received this from Simon Burke, a PhD student at ANU. Can anyone help him?

Please respond directly to Simon at:


I am working on a Medieval Arabic text. At one point in this text I suspect a Sanskrit word transliterated into Arabic letters is being used. In the context of discussing the eclipse of the sun as being the conjunction of the sun and moon at a node the author clarifies the Arabic term for node by giving the Turkish word for node and then another word for node apparently of Indian origin: nubhar (نوبهر). If it is not burdensome I would ask if you would be able to confirm to me if nubhar (نوبهر) has a resemblance to a Sanskrit (or other  Indian language) word for a "node" and if so: what is that word?


McComas Taylor
Associate Professor
Reader in Sanskrit
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University
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