Hello HarryIn my morphological generator, this is tagged active benedictive:{ ben. ac. sg. 3 }[pra-cud]Cf here. Press on the red rectangle.Whitney§837 calls it active precative, a variant terminology. But he analyses it as an optative mode of the root aorist and claims Vedic middle forms.GérardLe 18 mars 2019 à 21:16, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :_______________________________________________Dear list members,What is the verbal category of pracodayāt in gāyatrī mantras . For example :ekadantāya vidmahe
vakratuṇḍāya dhīmahi
tan no dantī pracodayāt
Is it a causative subjunctive similar to the example in Whitney's grammar section 1043 dhārayāt
or is it a benedictive/precative? Is there such a thing as a causative precative?
Harry Spier
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