N. Okuyama edited the available portions of the Sanskrit text of the Jyotirmañjarī by Abhayākaragupta in two installments. Some years ago I was able to get the first installment, published in Bunka, vol. 47, nos. 1-2, 1983, pp. 19-46. But I was never able to find the second installment, published in Tohoku Indogaku Shukyo Gakkai Ronshu, no. 13, 1986, pp. 108-191. For holdings in North America, OCLC shows only the Harvard Yenching Library, and the Harvard Hollis catalogue shows their holdings as only nos. 1-2, 1968-1968. The title of the article is apparently, "Jyotirmañjarī no kenkyu (II)." I would be very grateful to get a copy of this article. Thanks!

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.