Dear all,

I see that the image has not come through. I will send it tomorrow when I return the office. 

Many Thanks, 

victor davella <> schrieb am Di., 12. März 2019, 19:02:
Dear all,

I am hoping that someone might be able to help me with the reading of the first initial found in the image below. I would like this to be the autograph of Pu. Rā. Puruṣottama Nāyaṭu, a renowned Śrī-Vaiṣṇava scholar, but I find it difficult to see a P or a B (as it is sometimes given) in the letter as written. The date, 10/4/(19)28 falls comfortably within his lifespan (1901-1976).

Many Thanks,


P.S. Please let me know if the image has not come through.
