Gosta Liebert. Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian religions,Brill,  Leiden 1976 
Satisfactory reprint Sri Sat Guru publications  Delhi, 1986

Unfortunately it is completely unillustrated  but has many terms for the weapons or attributes (āyudha)


On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 4:32 AM Dermot Killingley via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Here's a couple that may be relevant:

Valerie Roebuck, "Weapons as symbols in Indian art" in Symbols in Art and Religion, ed. Karel Werner. London: Curzon Press 1990.

Sarva Daman Singh: Ancient Indian Warfare with special reference to the Vedic Period. Leiden: Brill 1965. (about real weapons, textually and archaeologically)

Hoping that helps,


On 28 Feb 2019 at 16:06, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY wrote:

Dear list members,

Would anyhow have or be able to point to articles or lists of names and descriptions of weapons in sanskrit. In particular names and descriptions of weapons described as being held in the hands of gods and goddesses .in the different stotras and descriptions of those deities.

Harry Spier

Dermot Killingley
9, Rectory Drive,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1XT
Phone (0191) 285 8053
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