Does Vani Vilas provide a way to represent Vedic accent as in अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं ?Some two decades ago John Smith published ( his fonts Nakula and Sahadeva, which are"two TrueType/OpenType Unicode Devanagari fonts. Both contain all the conjuncts and other ligatures (including Vedic accents) likely to be needed by Sanskritists."In my view this is a minimum requirement for a Devanagari font.The representation of accents in combination with other signs is, however, not always ideal in Nakula and Sahadeva, for instance svarita in combination with long i, superscript r etc.Is there any Unicode Devanagari font that represents Vedic accent and is there any software to transscribe text with Vedic accent from Unicode Devanagari to a Unicode roman script (and vice versa)?Best regards,Jan Houben--On Thu, 14 Feb 2019 at 21:32, Krishnaprasad G via INDOLOGY <> wrote:Prof Madhav Deshpande JiThanks a lot for the feedback. Yes, we will work for the conjuncts to make it similar to Nirnaya Sagara, and also could you please give an idea about the specific conjunct that you are thinking good. Very valuable information about the MSS, luckily we can retain both types, that is षट्त्रिंशत् and ta going under.Could please send the image of the letter from MSS if it is not too hassle for you.One more thing is we are trying to make both versions, that is with gaps between characters and without gaps.ThanksKPOn Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:24 AM Madhav Deshpande <> wrote:Dear Krishnaprasad Ji,Both Vani Vilas and Nirnaya Sagara fonts look good, the conjuncts look better in the Nirnaya Sagara font, but you can design them in the Vani Vilas as well. Great work. About the conjuncts in Dominik's ṣaṭtriṃśat, I wonder what is the practice in the manuscripts. I don't remember seeing a conjunct where त or त्र hangs below ट. In this case, perhaps writing षट्त्रिंशत् may be closer to the practice of the manuscripts. This needs to be checked, perhaps in the manuscripts of the Ṣaṭtriṃśat-tattva-sandoha. With best wishes,Madhav M. DeshpandeProfessor EmeritusSanskrit and LinguisticsUniversity of Michigan[Residence: Campbell, California]On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:36 PM Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <> wrote:Looks very good to me. I imagine you'll work on ṣaṭtri- But everything else looks really nice.Jan E.M. Houben
Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology
Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite
École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)
Sciences historiques et philologiques
54, rue Saint-Jacques, CS 20525 – 75005 Paris