I would like to thank Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, Victor van Bijlert, Lubomír Ondračka, Bihani Sarkar and Peter Wyzlic, all of whom responded to my email right away and generously offered their time and help. I now have all the transl(iter)ations I needed.

 All the very best,

---------- Forwarded message ---------

Dear List,

The Heinrich-Heine-Institut in  Düsseldorf (Germany) is looking for someone who might be able to help them a) transliterate and b) translate the text on the cover of five books in Bengali, so that they can add them to their library catalogue.

Having looked at the pages they sent me, I'd assume this would take 20-30 minutes. There is no money in it, just their gratitude and the knowledge you have done something to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge.

I have attached jpgs of two of the pages in question, but am not sure whether they will make it onto the List. If you are willing to help, please get in touch and I will email you the rest.

Many thanks,
Dr Antonia Ruppel FRAS
Postdoctoral Researcher, 'Uncovering Sanskrit Syntax'
Department of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
University of Oxford

Author, 'The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit'