I am deeply saddened to learn from of Chlodwig's death.  I am shocked, because he was only in his early sixties and seemed vigorous and engaged with life, the last time I saw him.  During my years as one of his colleagues at the South Asia Institute in Vienna, I had many conversations with Chlodwig.  He was a deep mine of information on matters connected with comparative and historical Indo-Aryan philology, the kind of precious colleague one consults and depends upon for trustworthy specialist information.  Chlodwig often shared with me his reflections on classical music, which moved him deeply.  On more general topics - never philology! - we sometimes disagreed, even vigorously, but we always found reconciliation after a few minutes and our relations remained strongly cordial.  Chlodwig was an intense and passionate man, who loved Sanskrit and Indology as much as he loved classical music and his own instrument, the pianoforte, that afforded him joy and fulfilment beyond words.   It is hard to know that he is no longer with us. 

Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A: