Dear Chakravarthi 

Look in The Muktabodha digital library . 
 It contains the nATyazAstram with the abhinavabharati in 3 volumes from the Gaekwads Oriental series . 
It is in the "searchable e-text library" section of the library.  
Use username:  muktabodha
password: indology

 Click on nAtyazAstram Vol 1, nAtyazAstram Vol 2, nAtyazAstram Vol 3.
It is available in a searchable e-text in unicode transliteration and as a pdf in devanagari.

Harry Spier

On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 4:01 PM Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear all,

Does anyone have a reasonably cleaned up electronic copy of the Abhinavabhāratī?

Thank you.


Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad
Fellow of the British Academy
Distinguished Professor of Comparative Religion and Philosophy
Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion
Lancaster University LA1 4YL

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