Hi Dominik,

     In Pune, there was a large colony of brick makers with lots of kilns and piles of bricks in various stages of preparation at the foot of the Parvati hill.  At some relatively recent time [probably two/three decades ago], because of the growth of the residential areas, that entire colony was moved somewhere else, and that land became occupied by new residential buildings.  There must be extensive records in the administrative departments of Pune City Corporation [पुणे महानगरपालिका].  I am sure the brick-making business has not gone away, only that it was moved to a new location.  Our Pune friends like Saroja Bhate and Shrikant Bahulkar may be able to provide more current information.


Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 5:05 PM patrick mccartney via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
This ethnography of child labor and brick making might interest you https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?0::NO:10:P10_ETD_SUBID:64326

On Wed., 7 Nov. 2018, 1:54 am Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info wrote:
Travelling in India, especially by train, one occasionally sees large mounds of bricks, or maybe they are kilns or sun-drying piles.  There are workers at these places, making bricks.  Is there a scholarly historical literature about these communities and the practice of brick-making in earlier Indian history?

Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

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