_______________________________________________Thank you, Brendan.I found Pandeya's book on archive.Hamblin's book is on a server but I don't think we are allowed to share such things here.I am having more trouble finding an electronic copy of this book Philipp Maas kindly suggested by G. Oberhammer et al., Terminologie der frühen philosophsichen Scholastik in Indien. Vol 3. Vienna 2006.All the best,パトリック マッカートニーPatrick McCartney, PhDJSPS Fellow - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, JapanResearch Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, JapanVisiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Skype - psdmccartneyPhone + Whatsapp: +81-80-9811-3235Twitter - @psdmccartneybodhapūrvam calema ;-)On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 9:33 PM Brendan S. Gillon, Prof. via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:_______________________________________________The classic contemporary work on fallacies, which includes a discussion of fallacies in the Indian tradition, is Charles Leonard Hamblin's Fallacies, Methuen, 1970. A work exclusively on fallacies (hetvaabhaasa) in India is Raghavendra Pandeya's Major Hetvaabhaasas, a formal analysis, Eastern Book Linkers.
Brendan Gillon
On 2018-10-27 05:10 AM, patrick mccartney via INDOLOGY wrote:
Hello,Does anyone have a list of Sanskrit terms for logical fallacies and their equivalent in English and/or Latin?
Something like this, for example:vyakti prati yukti argumentum ad hominem
thank you.
All the best,
パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhDJSPS Fellow - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, JapanResearch Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, JapanVisiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Skype - psdmccartneyPhone + Whatsapp: +81-80-9811-3235Twitter - @psdmccartney
bodhapūrvam calema ;-)
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-- Brendan S. Gillon email: brendan.gillon@mcgill.ca Department of Linguistics McGill University tel.: 001 514 398 4868 1085, Avenue Docteur-Penfield Montreal, Quebec fax.: 001 514 398 7088 H3A 1A7 CANADA webpage: http://webpages.mcgill.ca/staff/group3/bgillo/web/
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