_______________________________________________The classic contemporary work on fallacies, which includes a discussion of fallacies in the Indian tradition, is Charles Leonard Hamblin's Fallacies, Methuen, 1970. A work exclusively on fallacies (hetvaabhaasa) in India is Raghavendra Pandeya's Major Hetvaabhaasas, a formal analysis, Eastern Book Linkers.
Brendan Gillon
On 2018-10-27 05:10 AM, patrick mccartney via INDOLOGY wrote:
Hello,Does anyone have a list of Sanskrit terms for logical fallacies and their equivalent in English and/or Latin?
Something like this, for example:vyakti prati yukti argumentum ad hominem
thank you.
All the best,
パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhDJSPS Fellow - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, JapanResearch Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, JapanVisiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Skype - psdmccartneyPhone + Whatsapp: +81-80-9811-3235Twitter - @psdmccartney
bodhapūrvam calema ;-)
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-- Brendan S. Gillon email: brendan.gillon@mcgill.ca Department of Linguistics McGill University tel.: 001 514 398 4868 1085, Avenue Docteur-Penfield Montreal, Quebec fax.: 001 514 398 7088 H3A 1A7 CANADA webpage: http://webpages.mcgill.ca/staff/group3/bgillo/web/
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