Dear Dr Fournet,

You have every right to feel fed up with the tendencies you list.  You have the right to be offended.  But you do not have the right to express your feelings of annoyance in impolite terms in the INDOLOGY forum.  Nobody does. At the time of joining this forum we each of us agreed that we had read the terms of membership, and that includes the practice of standard Netiquette.

Netiquette is not mere good manners.  It has evolved out of an intense engagement with email discussion lists as a set of behaviours that maximize useful conversation.  It is efficient, utilitarian.

I share your feelings about much of the discourse you refer to.  But I promise you that insulting people with unpleasant language in front of 700 colleagues is not the best strategy for promoting the  scholarly methods and discoveries that you value.

You are free to send your non-rose-petals to the people you describe.  But please do it off-list.

Dominik Wujastyk
INDOLOGY managing committee.

On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 11:41, Arnaud Fournet via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

I agree that the phrase "shit-and-muck sprinkling system" is somewhat rough.

But I'm quite fed up with the tendency to reductio ad Nazismus of Indo-European studies promoted by some people. I have the right to be offended by this "method".

So I consider the phrase adequately describes the discourse of these people. That's basically what their discourse is about. It's not a regular and acceptable scientific discourse.

If you reduce Indo-European studies to Hitler, racism and nazism, don't expect to get rose petals in exchange (at least not from me).

With best regards.

Arnaud Fournet

Le 18/10/2018 à 18:00, a écrit :
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 09:19:42 +0000
From: Magnone Paolo <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Lexical challenge for the OIT
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear  List Members and especially Moderators,

(With no particular wish to side with Koenrad Elst or to participate in the dispute)

A few years back I was reprimanded and even invited to retract just for a jocular remark on someone else?s  ?American-like money-mindedness?. In the meantime the list policy must have changed a lot if it is now deemed fine for a list member to call in earnest a ?shit-and-muck sprinkling system? some other list member?s discourse. Or does it depend on academic status ? some list members may be freely offended, and some must not, even in a dream?

Paolo Magnone

Paolo Magnone
Sanskrit Language and Literature
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Milan
Introduction to Hinduism
Higher Institute of Religious Sciences - Milan

Jambudvipa  - Indology and Sanskrit Studies (<>)

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