I agree that the phrase "shit-and-muck sprinkling system" is somewhat rough.

But I'm quite fed up with the tendency to reductio ad Nazismus of Indo-European studies promoted by some people. I have the right to be offended by this "method".

So I consider the phrase adequately describes the discourse of these people. That's basically what their discourse is about. It's not a regular and acceptable scientific discourse.

If you reduce Indo-European studies to Hitler, racism and nazism, don't expect to get rose petals in exchange (at least not from me).

With best regards.

Arnaud Fournet

Le 18/10/2018 à 18:00, indology-request@list.indology.info a écrit :
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 09:19:42 +0000
From: Magnone Paolo <paolo.magnone@unicatt.it>
To: "indology@list.indology.info" <indology@list.indology.info>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Lexical challenge for the OIT
Message-ID: <82c4ed0d-250d-d632-2018-d273dfca7e7a@unicatt.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear  List Members and especially Moderators,

(With no particular wish to side with Koenrad Elst or to participate in the dispute)

A few years back I was reprimanded and even invited to retract just for a jocular remark on someone else?s  ?American-like money-mindedness?. In the meantime the list policy must have changed a lot if it is now deemed fine for a list member to call in earnest a ?shit-and-muck sprinkling system? some other list member?s discourse. Or does it depend on academic status ? some list members may be freely offended, and some must not, even in a dream?

Paolo Magnone

Paolo Magnone
Sanskrit Language and Literature
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Milan
Introduction to Hinduism
Higher Institute of Religious Sciences - Milan

Jambudvipa  - Indology and Sanskrit Studies (www.jambudvipa.net<http://www.jambudvipa.net>)
Academia.edu: http://unicatt.academia.edu/PaoloMagnone