Dear list,
We are pleased to announce that Amrita Darshanam — International Centre for Spiritual Studies — in association with Indian Council for Philosophical Research (ICPR) is organizing a 7-day textual workshop on MadhusÅ«dana Sarasvatī’s SiddhÄntabindu between 10-16 November 2018 in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.Â
SiddhÄntabindu or SiddhÄntatattvabindu is MadhusÅ«dana Sarasvatī’s commentary on Åšri ÅšankarÄcÄrya’s DaÅ›aÅ›lokÄ«, also known as the CidÄnandastavarÄja or CidÄnandadaÅ›aÅ›lokÄ«Â or NirvÄṇadaÅ›aka. The text presents all the basic principles of advaita in the prima facie views and their refutations, and is a reliable and comprehensive digest of advaita vedÄnta.Â
The workshop will be conducted be renowned scholars:Â
(a)Â Â Â Prof. Kutumba Sastry,
Former Vice Chancellor, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan,
President, IASS
(b)Â Â Â Prof. V.N. Jha
Former Director, Centre of Advanced Studies in Sanskrit, Pune
Founder Chairperson, Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
(c)Â Â Â Â Â Prof. K. Ramasubramanian
Professor, Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit, Department of Humanitites and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay.
(d)Â Â Â Prof. Ramachandra G Bhat
Vice Chancellor, S-VYASA,
(e)    Prof. K. Srinivasan
Former Principal, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai.
The workshop is open to all interested.Â
Registration is free but compulsory.Â
To register, visit:Â
Kindly refer to the attached brochure for further information.Â
Apologies for cross-posting.
Manjushree Hegde,
Assistant Professor,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.Â