Dear All,

Greetings! Would someone happen to have a PDF of the following article:

Choudhuri, Indra Nath. “Verfremdung of Brecht and Rasa in Theatre and its Validity.” In Lexet litterae: Studies in Honour of Professor Oscar Botto. Edited by S. Lienhard and I. Piovano, 125–139. Alessandria, Italy: Edizioni dell’Orso, 1997.

Thanks very much in advance and the help would be much appreciated.

Mrinal Kaul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Manipal Centre for Humanities (MCH)
Coordinator - Centre for Religious Studies (CRS)
Dr TMA Pai Planetarium Complex
Alevoor Road, Manipal 576 104
Karnataka, INDIA
Tel +91-820-29-23567 Extn: 23567