This one was missing in my collection. 
Several mentions and discussions of the alleged parallelism Euclid:Europe is appr. Panini:(classical) India exist, in French (by  the brilliant German indologist August Wilhelm von Schlegel 1832), in Dutch (Staal 1963) and English (Ingalls, Staal, Bronkhorst), but I believe I am the first to have made these observations, whether one wants to agree with them or modify or reject them, accessible in Sanskrit -- fair enough, after ca. 250 years of excluding Sanskrit pandits from our discussions and "siddhāntas" about them:
भारतीयपश्चिममण्डलयोः शास्त्ररीतिविषय आत्मभेदो वा संतोलनभेदो वा वर्तते । तथा ह्याह रुद्यर्द् किप्लिङ् । प्राची हि प्राची पश्चिमा च पश्चिमेति (टिप. 16) । अत्र मम श्लोकस्य उपन्यासः । 
आत्मभेदस्तयोरस्ति  मन्यन्ते किप्लिङादयः । 
संतोलनात्मको भेद  इङ्गल्स्-स्ताल्-भ्यां तु दृश्यते ॥
Basic ethics in *modern* anthropology, not necessarily in 19th cent. anthropology and indology, requires that "objects" of our research should get a chance to give their own feedback on our conclusions (and, obviously, in their own preferred language). 



On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 11:43, Antonio Ferreira-Jardim <antonio.jardim@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Prof Houben, 

Please find a pdf here: http://eprints.nias.res.in/435/

Long live D(e)utch Indology!  

Kind regards,

On Tue., 11 Sep. 2018, 7:38 pm Jan E.M. Houben via INDOLOGY, <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear Axel, 
I look forward to the final version of your contribution of which I heard a fascinating presentation in Delhi in November 2015. As you know, Frits Staal first expanded the concept of "science" beyond the narrow confines of "natural sciences" in order not just to include "human sciences" but also to go beyond the division between these and the natural sciences; next he showed how "India" contributed, at an early date, significantly and foremost to this "science" in a broadened sense, esp. to ritual science and linguistic science. Current "scientifications" as in the mentioned brochure, however, neglect India's contributions in ritual science (kalpa) and linguistic science (grammar, vyakarana) except for marginally mentioning phonetics: taking the narrow concept of "(natural, including, at the most, medical) science" as main reference point they make every effort to find "relevant" statements in ancient Indian literature (for Ayurveda only Sanskrit texts are considered, Siddha texts in Tamil are neglected; for other knowledge systems I am not aware of serious "Dravidian" counterclaims).  
In this context a question to all list members, does anyone have a scan of Frits Staal's What Euclid is to Europe, Panini is to India -- or are they? published in Bangalore, India: National Institute of Advanced Studies, 2005. 
Best, Jan Houben

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 09:33, Michaels, Axel via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

Dear all,


In the course of the recent WSC discussions on this list, Dr Iris Iran Farkhondeh recently mentioned a little brochure by the RSS: “There was also this little booklet produced by the RSS (samskrit samsthan and not svayam sevak even though it seems now that the two RSS are getting nearer and nearer) with a mention of astrolomy (sic) and all the other sciences that for sure originated in ancient India.” Unfortunately, she did not keep this booklet. Since I am co-editing a book on this topic, I would be very grateful if someone who attended the conference could share the brochure with me.  I would also be interested in relevant and serious literature focusing and the wide-spread claim that all science is rooted in India.


Best regards,

Axel Michaels


Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels

Seniorprofessor | Vice President Heidelberg Academy of Science and Humanities | 

Director Research Unit "Historical Documents of Nepal" (नेपालका पूर्व-आधुनिक कालका लिखतहरू), Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

South Asia Institute
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
69120 Heidelberg, Germany




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Jan E.M. Houben

Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology

Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite

École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)

Sciences historiques et philologiques 

54, rue Saint-Jacques, CS 20525 – 75005 Paris




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Jan E.M. Houben

Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology

Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite

École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)

Sciences historiques et philologiques 

54, rue Saint-Jacques, CS 20525 – 75005 Paris


