Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to share a recent venture of mine, which is not scholarly per se but certainly has strong implications for my scholarly activities - Amnesty International's campaign 'Make Online Spaces Safe for Women' (pdf attached; also link). The campaign is specifically focused on India. As part of the project, Amnesty International did interviews with nine women who have faced particularly vitriolic attacks on social media, and I am one of the nine.
I think this is relevant to Indology as a discipline as many of us face increasingly vehement attacks online. As we saw recently at the World Sanskrit Conference in Vancouver, inappropriate attacks - gendered and otherwise - can also happen in person. Sometimes threatened violence becomes real. Scholars, activists, and students have been the targets of violent assaults recently in India.
I hope that some find this interesting and worth a few minutes of your time.
Audrey Truschke
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Rutgers University-Newark