Sri Harry-ji ,

Is your question related to the authorship of Dakṣināmūrtistotram ? 

Is the question centred around whether S'ankarāchārya is its author or not?

Isn't your question "Does  this metaphor of the world as an image in a mirror only appear in Kashmir Shaivite writings?" imply that if it isn't the distinct feature of Kashmir Shaivism,  Amarhath Rai's rejection of S'ankara's authorship on the basis of this image in the stotram is not tenable? 

Till now , did you get any message confirming that it is the distinct feature of Kashmir Shaivism ?  


2018-09-03 15:27 GMT+05:30 Roland Steiner via INDOLOGY <>:

Unsurprisingly, the image occurs very often in the Kashmirian Mokṣopāya (10th cent.), too. These are just a few examples taken at random from the 6th book:

sarvāsām anubhūtīnām ādarśo yo hy akṛtrimaḥ
agamyo malalekhānāṃ tac cittattvam ahaṃ mahat (MU VI.11.107)

ciddarpaṇamahālakṣmīs trijagat pratibimbitam
gṛhṇāty anugraheṇāntas svagarbham iva garbhiṇī (MU VI.34.43)

sarvagāpi cid etasmiṃś cetasi pratibimbate
padārtham antar ādatte nānyo hi makurād ṛte (MU VI.36.52)

jagannagaram ādarśe citīva pratibimbitam (MU VI.51.6ab)

sargāditaḫ prabhṛty eva nirmale 'rthaḫ prabimbate
vidātteti sthitis tv aikyāt sarvabimbyanubimbayoḥ (MU VI.54.41) [nirmale = citi]

evaṃ parāt samāyātā rājan sargaparamparāḥ
tasminn eva mahādarśe pratibimbam upāgatāḥ (MU VI.122.27) [mahādarśe = cinmātre]


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Nagaraj Paturi
Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.

BoS, MIT School of Vedic Sciences, Pune, Maharashtra

BoS, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Veliyanad, Kerala

Former Senior Professor of Cultural Studies
FLAME School of Communication and FLAME School of  Liberal Education,
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