In one of his Japanese papers, A. Kanazawa, the compiler of Word-Index to Kumārila's Ślokavārttika, collects the quotations of this verse, most probably a fragment of the Bṛhaṭṭīkā, from the following texts (according to the order of their appearance in the
TnR Tantrarahasya
PrPn Prakaraṇapañcikā
NMn Nyāyamañjarī
NVTT Nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā
JSAS Jaiminīyasūtrārthasaṅgraha
RS Ratnasārīṇī
Pra Prabhāvalī
I am attaching a pdf of this paper,
Kanazawa, Atsushi. “Kumārila no mono to kangae rareru ichi shisetsu ni tsuite” (A note on a quoted verse attributed to Kumārila). Tōhōgaku (Eastern Studies) no. 81, 1991, pp. 129–143.
best wishes
Kiyotaka Yoshimizu
Saitama, Japan
On 2018/08/21 0:56, Olivelle, J P via INDOLOGY wrote:
I wonder whether someone can help me locate this citation ascribed the “Bhaṭṭavārtika”, but I cannot find it either in the Ślokavārtika or the Tantravārtika. Thanks.
धर्मे प्रमीयमाणे हि वेदेन करणात्मना ।
इतिकर्तव्यताभागं मीमांसा पूरयिष्यति ।। (??)
भट्टवार्तिकवचनात् ।
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