I would also like Tubb's dissertation. Also the following, should they be on hand:
Raniero Gnoli, The Aesthetic Experience according to Abhinavagupta, 2nd ed. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies 62 (Varanasi 1968)
V. Raghavan, The Number of Rasas. 3rd Rev. ed. Adyar: Adyar Libfrary Research Centre..
Sushil Kumar De, "The Sangta Rasa in the Natya-Sastra and the Dasa-Rupaka,", in
Some Problems in Sanskrit Poetics 139-48,..Calcutta: Firma L. K. Mukhopadhyay, 1959.
Edwin Gerow and Ashok Aklujkar, "On Santarasa in Sanskrit Poetics," JAOS 9 1892, 80-87.
Thank you, Alf Hiltebeitel