Continuing my Krishna Verses:
Playful Conversation between Mādhava [Vishnu] and Umādhava [= Shiva]
उमाधवं माधवोऽसौ प्राह सौख्यं मया [मा > मया] लभे ।
कथं त्वमुमया युक्तो भस्मना चर्चितोऽनिशम् ।।४७३।।
Mādhava, the husband of Mā, said to the husband of Umā [Shiva] - “With Lakshmi [= mā], I am happy. How is it that you are united with Umā, and yet smear yourself with ashes?”
शिवो ब्रूते मदीयोमा द्यूते जयति सर्वदा ।
निर्जितोऽहं तया खिन्नो वपुर्लिम्पामि भस्मना ।।४७४।।
Shiva said - “My Uma always wins in the game of dice. Defeated by her I am depressed and smear my body with ashes.”
करोमि ताण्डवं शैलेऽप्रसन्नोऽहं पराजये ।
उमां जयन्तीं दृष्ट्वा मे मात्सर्यं हृदि जायते ।।४७५।।
“Unhappy in my defeat, I perform the Tandava dance on the mountain. Seeing Uma winning, I become jealous.”
Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]