Dear friends,

Does anyone in this forum work at a university where the Indian Government's AYUSH ministry has provided a visiting professor in Yoga and Ayurveda?  My university is beginning to negotiate an MoU about this with AYUSH, and I am interested in how other universities approached the issues of assessing professorial-level qualification in Yoga.  I would also be interested in how other universities have managed the different possible disciplinary approaches to Ayurveda, for example as a topic for ethnopharmacological study through clinical trials, or as a topic for historical, linguistic and philological study.  Similarly, a professor of Yoga could be attached to a department of sport and physical education, medicine, or indology.

If you have such an AYUSH program ongoing at your university, and have thought about such issues, I would be grateful to hear from you, off-list if you prefer.


Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A: