Continuing my Krishna Verses:

पितेव पासि त्वं लोकान् मातृवद्वत्सलो हरे ।

बन्धुवच्च सुहृद्वच्च जनानां प्रियकृत्तम: ।।३६५।।

Like a father and a loving mother you protect the world, O Krishna.  Like a kinsman and a friend you are the best among those who please the people.

त्वया विना तृणस्यापि चलनं सम्भवेत् कथम् ।

त्वदिच्छया जगच्चक्रमनिशं तत् प्रवर्तते ।।३६६।।

Without you, how can even the blade of grass move?  Only with your will, the wheel of this world constantly rotates.

द्वादशारं जगच्चक्रं नाभिस्तव कराङ्गुलौ ।

ऋतवश्चैव मासाश्च चलन्ति तव चालनात् ।।३६७।।

The wheel of the world has twelve spokes, and its hub is in your finger.  The seasons and the months move along when you move them.

रात्रिश्चैव दिनं चैव निमेषा घटिकास्तथा ।

यामाश्च सर्वथैवैते प्रवर्तन्ते तवेच्छया ।।३६८।।

The night and the day, the moments, hours and watches move along by your will.

कणिकापि न तत्रास्ति यत्र त्वं नासि माधव ।

घटे घटे निवासस्ते वृक्षे वृक्षे गिरौ गिरौ ।।३६९।।

There is not even a speck, O Mādhava, where you are not.  You reside in every pot, every tree and every mountain.

देहे देहे त्वमेवासि जीवरूपेण संस्थित: ।

त्वया विना न जीवामस्त्वं नो गोविन्द जीवितम् ।।३७०।।

In the form of an individual soul, you yourself reside in every body.  Without you we cannot live, O Krishna.  You are our life.

त्वमेव हृदयं कृष्ण त्वं मनो बुद्धिरेव च ।

प्रवहन् सर्वनाडीषु त्वमेव मम लोहितम् ।।३७१।।

O Krishna, you are the heart, the mind and the intellect, and you are the blood flowing in all my veins.

प्रचलामि जगद्वीथ्यां धृत्वा तव कराङ्गुलिम् ।

मा गमोऽन्यत्र गोविन्द क्व यास्यामि त्वया विना ।।३७२।।

Holding your finger, I walk along the path of the world.  O Krishna, please do not go elsewhere.  Where can I go without you?

सखित्वं कृष्ण ते याचे न दास्यं मधुसूदन ।

बहव: सन्ति ते दासा: सखाहं केवलस्तव ।।३७३।।

I beg for your friendship, O Krishna, and not for your servitude.  You have many servants, but I am only your friend.

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]