While we’re at it, does anyone know of sources exploring the theoretical basis for or historical development of these ‘gayatris’? 

For example, in what sense is the mantra below a ‘gayatri’ beyond containing the verbs dhīmahi and pracodayāt? Is there any relation postulated between the 'gayatris' of Kubera etc. and Gayatri as a goddess? 

 With thanks,

Joel Bordeaux
Visiting Scholar
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Stony Brook University

The Vaikhanasamantraprasna contains this gayatri mantra
rājarājāya vidmahe
dhanādhyakṣyāya dhīmahi
tan nas somaḥ pracodayāt

Monier-Williams identifies dhanādhyakṣya as Kubera.
Is this a gayatri mantra to Kubera or to Soma as the moon, or to the elixir Soma?