On May 21, 2018, at 10:24 AM, Elisa Freschi <elisa.freschi@gmail.com> wrote:
--Dear Benjamin,
if you use a Mac, you just need to type using a “US extended” or “ABC extended” keyboard layout and select a unicode font, like Times or Gentium.
On Mon 21. May 2018 at 16:00, Benjamin Fleming via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear List,
I am currently trying to update my unicode diacritics input method from the "cut and paste” and or “autocorrect” input methods I currently use. I was pointed to the IndUni keyboard layouts which I found on John Smith’s web site, however since the instructions are from 2009 I am not finding it easy to adapt to current Mac OS. Is their a better input system than IndUni that people use or have people learned to adapt it to current OS?
Thanks for any input/help!
Best Wishes,
Ben Fleming
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