Continuing with my Krishna verses:

बिभ्रती ते पदस्पर्शं नृत्यतो गोकुलाङ्गणे ।

सरोमाञ्चं सहर्षं च चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०१।।

Bearing the touch of your feet as you were dancing in the courtyard of Gokula, the earth shook up with excitement and joy.

शीर्षे कालियसर्पस्य ताण्डवं यत्कृतं त्वया ।

दृष्ट्वा तत् सभयं प्रीता चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०२।।

When you did your dance of destruction on the head of the Kaliya snake, watching that with fear, and yet pleased, the earth shook up.

कारागृहे त्वं देवक्यां जातमात्रोऽप्यदर्शय: ।

विश्वरूपं तदालोक्य चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०३।।

When you were just born from your mother Devakī in the prison, you showed her your cosmic form.  Seeing that the earth shook up.

शिशुना महदाकारा पूतना पातिता यदा ।

त्वया  हता सा विषदा, चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०४।।

Even though you were just a child, you felled and killed the huge demoness Pūtanā who had come to give you poison.  At that time, the earth shook up.

गोकुले यमुनातीरे नृत्यन्तं राधया सह ।

दृष्ट्वा त्वां प्रीतिरागेण चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०५।।

Seeing you dancing with Rādhā on the bank of Yamunā, the earth shook up with a surge of love.

यदाक्रूर: समायातो नेतुं त्वां मथुरां प्रति ।

विरहं तेऽसहमाना चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०६।।

When Akrūra came to take you to Mathurā, unable to bear your separation, the earth shook up.

मथुरायां यदा कंस: क्रूरकर्मा हतस्त्वया ।

सुप्रीता गतभारेव चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०७।।

When the evil-doer Kamsa was killed by you in Mathurā, the pleased earth shook up, as a burden was lifted.

धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे कुरुपाण्डवसङ्गरे ।

पाञ्चजन्यध्वनिं श्रुत्वा चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०८।।

On the holy battlefield of Kuruketra in the battle between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, hearing the sound of the conch Pāñcajanya [the conch of Kr̥ṣṇa], the earth shook up.

पार्थाय शोकमोहाभ्यामाकुलाय यदा रणे। 

दर्शितं विश्वरूपं ते चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२०९।।

When your cosmic form was shown to Arjuna during the battle, when he was overcome with grief and delusion, the earth shook up.

यादवा: स्वैर्युध्यमाना यदा सर्वे दिवङ्गता: ।

व्याधेन विद्धस्ते पाद:, चकम्पे सा वसुन्धरा ।।२१०।।

When the Yādavas, fighting among themselves, were all killed, and when a hunter struck your foot, the earth shook up.

समाप्ते तेऽवतारेऽपि भक्तानामभयप्रद: ।

इतोऽगतस्त्वं सर्वत्र सर्वदा वर्तसे विभो ।।२११।।

Even though your incarnation was over, you as the bestower of safety to your devotees never went away from here.  You are always everywhere, O Lord.

गतागतं ते मायैव यस्य सर्वत्र संस्थिति: ।

इति ज्ञात्वा शान्तचित्ता न चकम्पे वसुन्धरा ।।२१२।।

With you being present everywhere, your coming and going [as an incarnation] is only a fiction.  Realizing this, with a calm heart, the earth stopped shaking.

Madhav Deshpande