Hello All, 
Happy to announce the launch of American Journal of Indic Studies (AJIS) today on The Buddha Jayanti:

Please check it out and request your libraries to subscribe. 

With the help of our Executive Editor, Prof. Pankaj Jain, AJIS is hosted on University of North Texas Libraries on OJS system in free and publicly accessible format.

On this happy occasion I would like to thank our editorial team (https://journals.library.unt.edu/index.php/indicstudies/about/editorialTeam), 
Contributing authors, and UNT libraries for their support. 

We also invite your articles as well as book/media reviews for our next issue scheduled for early Fall. 

Thank you. 

Lavanya Vemsani 
Ph.D (History) Ph.D. (Religious Studies)
Professor, Dept. of Social Sciences
Shawnee State University 
Portsmouth OH 45662
Phone: 740-351-3233
Co-founder, American Academy of Indic Studies 
American Journal of Indic Studies