I sent this message earlier but it didn't go through to the indology list.
If you want to show your audience examples of good sanskrit manuscript cataloguing practices then I suggest you look at the on-line catalogue of "The Paper Manuscripts of the French Institute of Pondicherry" which was prepared under the direction of DeviPrasad Mishra and Dominic Goodall.
It is at the Muktabodha website(along with the manuscripts) at
You need to register to access the catalogue and manuscripts.
Since its on-line it should be easy to make handouts from this. Also I don't know if this is relevant to your discussions but the pagination data (called "range of folios" in the catalogue records) was invaluable when I and my team photographed the collection in 2005 since quite often there were errors in the original page numbers such as a page number repeated or left out etc. and sometimes the pages were simply out of order and having these carefully noted already in the catalogue record saved an immense amount of time in determining whether pages were out of order or missing in the manuscripts.
Harry Spier