
  Thank you very much for the information. In fact, previously I accessed Amazon.com ,where I found the book to be out of stock. However ,there I had a chance to see the Front Cover of the book, from where I got the Publisher' s name- Vivek Hamsa Prakasana, Bangalore. I accessed their site too, but found no mention of this particular book.Thus,as a last recourse, I thought if any PDF is available.I shall certainly get to the Adwaitya Asram site referred by you.Thank you once again.

Alakendu Das.


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From: Ajit Gargeshwari via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info>
Sent: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:42:24 GMT+0530
To: indology@list.indology.info
Subject: [INDOLOGY] ​ IshaBashyaUpanishad

Please buy the book from this online store
http://www.advaitaashrama.org/Book/Search/Author=Swami Tyagishanada

The book costs Rs 200.00 that would be less than $4.00.

I wonder why PDF of popular books that are printed by thousands should be shared . I understand if PDF of books which rare, out of print or not easily available in a particular country or library are shared.
Ajit Gargeshwari

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: alakendu das <mailmealakendudas@rediffmail.com>
To: indology <indology@list.indology.info>
Date: 26 Feb 2018 09:08:55 -0000
Subject: [INDOLOGY]
To All,
 I am grateful to Prof. Van Bijlert for helping me with the publisher's name for the book IshaBashyaUpanishad'. I accessed the publisher I.e.Vivek Hamsa Prakasana,Bangalore for the book.However ,at present it is  out of stock.
         In such an eventuality  ,    Can anybody kindly help me with a PDF copy of IshaBashyaUpanishad' by Swami TyagishaAnanda,If at all available?.

   Alakendu Das 

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