Dear colleagues,
Since apparently nobody reported about the extremely sad news of the sudden passing of Steven Collins, I allow myself to forward the message posted this morning by Charles
Hallisey on H-Buddhism.
Steven Collins (1951-2018)
by Charles Hallisey
I write, with a shock, sadness, and grief beyond any words that I know, to pass on the news that Steven Collins
has died suddenly in New Zealand, where he had just gone to teach a special series of seminars.
Steven Collins was many things to many of us. He was, of course, Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Humanities
in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilization at the University of Chicago.
But to me, he was, above all, my friend.
The Buddha was right when he said that life is uncertain, death is certain,
but Marx was also right when he said that death is hard for the living,
Charles Hallisey