Dear list members,

  I am working on the Chinese translation of Kumāralāta's Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā Dṛṣtāntapaṅkti (also known, less correctly, as Sūtrālaṃkāra). Heinrich Lüders' in his 1926 Bruchstücke der Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā des Kumāralāta occasionally makes first hand statements on the Chinese translation of Kumāralāta's work and on other Chinese sources, but mostly relies on others' translations (Huber, Przyluski, Waldschmidt). Does anyone have a clue of the extent of his grasp of Chinese? Is anyone aware of an explicit statement in his work regarding his Chinese proficiency? I have the impression that he read very little Chinese––in Berlin in the 20s he must have had, though, plenty of access to both texts and sinologists. A very minor question, but of interest to me.   

​  namaskaromi,​

  Diego Loukota
​PhD Cand. - ​
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures - UCLA - 290 Royce Hall