Dear All,   Thanks for these informations and best wishes for 2018.  I would be grateful if anyone belonging to this list can recommend me monographs or reference papers about the mirror, preferably in Classical India, under all aspects; literature, art, craft, mythology, etc.

Many thanks in advance.    Best regards,    Georges-Jean Pinaut (Paris, EPHE)





> Message du 10/01/18 01:22
> De : "Johannes Bronkhorst via INDOLOGY" <>
> A : "Julia Hegewald" <>
> Copie à : "Dominik Wujastyk" <>, "Indology" <>
> Objet : Re: [INDOLOGY] Conference on footprints, feet and shoes in Asian Art, Bonn, April 2018

Dear all,


This announcement reminds me of an expression in the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha that I have difficulty understanding. On p. 418 of Abhyankar's edition (line 16.298) it mentions "showing a cloth with the imprint of the son's foot" (putrapadāṅkitapaṭapradarśanavat) in the context of announcing the birth of a son. Does this refer to a known custom in India?


Johannes Bronkhorst

On 9 Jan 2018, at 21:22, Julia Hegewald via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear friends and colleagues,
this is to inform you about a conference on representations of feet, foot imprints and shoes in Asian and Islamic art to be held at the University of Bonn in April 2018. Further details and the abstracts can be found on our webpage which will be updated regularly as we approach the dates of the conference:
A provisional timetable can be found below and attached. All are welcome to attend.
In case you have fascinating material on foot images from an Asian or Islamic context and would like a chapter to be considered for inclusion in our extended conference publication, then please get in touch with me directly.
With kind regards,
Julia Hegewald.

In the Footsteps of the Masters:

Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in the Arts of Asia



International conference

Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK), The University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald

19th to 21st April 2018




Provisional Timetable



Thursday, 19th April 2018

From 16:00: tea

17:00-18:30: keynote address           Prof. Dr. Susan L. Huntington, Columbus

                                                          Footprints in the Early Buddhist Art of India:

An Examination of Art Historical Methodology


Friday, 20th April 2018

10:00-11:00                                       Buddhist footprints from Nepal and Tibet:

                                                          Prof. Dr. Gudrun Bühnemann, Wisconsin-Madison

                                                          The Feet of Mañjuśrī


                                                          Dr. Elisabeth Haderer, Hamburg and Bonn
                                                          Enlightened Presence—On the Representation of

Footprints in Tibetan Buddhist Painted Scrolls


11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30                                       Jaina foot imprints in India:

Prof. Dr. Nalini Balbir, Paris

                                                          Religious Issues Regarding the Pādukās of Jain Teachers


                                                          Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald, Bonn
Foot Images (Pādukās) as Multivariate Symbols in Jaina

Religious Practices in India


12:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-16:00                                       Hindu footprints and Lingayat sandals from India:

                                                          Dr. Jutta Jain-Neubauer, New Delhi and Berlin
                                                          Feet and Footmarks in Indian Culture and their Visual 

                                                          Nick Barnard, London
                                                          Footprints of Hindu Deities in Indian Jewellery

Prof. Dr. Tiziana Lorenzetti, Rome

                                                          The Cult of Footwear in the Liṅgāyat Tradition:

Peculiarities and Symbologies


16:00-16:30 Tea break


16:30-17:30                                       Buddhist foot imprints in Southeast and East Asia:

                                                          Dr. Sarah Shaw, Oxford

                                                          The Buddha’s Footprint and the Southeast Asian Imaginaire


                                                          Dr. Claudia Wenzel, Heidelberg

                                                          The Buddha’s Footprints in China


Saturday, 21st April 2018

10:00-11:00                                       Feet and sandals in the Islamic world (5 papers):

                                                          Prof. Dr. Lorenz Korn, Bamberg
Footprints as Relics and as Symbols of Veneration in Islamic Art


                                                          Dr. Deniz Erduman-Calis, Munich
Kadem-i Saadet—Foot Imprints of the Prophet

Muhammad in the Collection of the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul


11:00-11:30 Coffee break              


11:30-13:00                                       Iman R. Abdulfattah, New York and Bonn         
Footprints of the Prophet as Modes of Dissemination and Modes of Control


                                                          Waheeda Bano Baloch, Jamshoro and Bonn        
The Holy Footprints Across Sindh (Pakistan)


                                                          Karin Adrian von Roques, Bonn
Footprints of the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) in Contemporary Art 

<2018_01_09_Provisional Timetable_short_Public.pdf>


Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Professor of Oriental Art History
Head of Department
University of Bonn
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History
Adenauerallee 10
53113 Bonn
Tel. 0049-228-73 7213
Fax. 0049-228-73 4042
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