Dear Colleagues,

we invite applications for our intensive course

"Kannada as a Classical Language",

conducted by Prof. B.A. Viveka Rai at the Chair of Indology, Würzburg University, January 15th until 19th 2018.

!!! Applications for participation should reach us by December 1st !!!

The participation is free (no fees), but participants may be requested to pay for teaching materials. For more information, please check the course website:

For any questions and for registration please write to Anna Aurelia Esposito (

We would be grateful if you could widely circulate this call for applications.

Best regards,
Anna Aurelia Esposito

PD Dr. Anna Aurelia Esposito
Universitaet Wuerzburg
Lehrstuhl fuer Indologie / Suedasienkunde
Philosophiegebaude, Zi. 8U6
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg
Tel: ++49-(0)931-3185512
Bachgasse 3
97070 Wuerzburg
Tel: ++49-(0)931-3042293