Hello Tyler,

     Yes, I have encountered the same problem with DevanagariQWERTY keyboard with the new Apple OS.  Often I find that typing the "f" key twice one can get the conjunct.  This is a problem and I hope the next update will take care of it.  We need to inform Google about this.


On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 7:05 PM, Tyler Williams via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear colleagues, 

Are there any Apple users among us who have experienced problems inputing Devanagari while using the Chrome web browser since installing OS 10.12.6 (Sierra)? The problem seems to be limited to typing conjuncts in this one application (but I'd be curious to hear if others are encountering other problems). Chrome automatically sets to uft-8 encoding, so the problem is somewhere else. 


Tyler Williams
South Asian Languages and Civilizations
University of Chicago

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