I managed to find the Biardeau article, along with one by Anantlal Thakur and another by van Buitenen in the same issue:

1. Anantlal Thakur, "Studies on Vacaspati Misra (1)", Mitra-vāṇī 17/Vācaspati viśeṣāṅka (1960), pp. 132–136.

2. Madeleine Biardeau, "Vācaspati Miśra a Syncretist?", Mitra-vāṇī 17/Vācaspati viśeṣāṅka (1960), pp. 137–142.

3. J. A. B. Van Buitenen, "Vacaspati's Critique of the Bhedabheda Doctrine of Bhaskar", Mitra-vāṇī 17/Vācaspati viśeṣāṅka (1960), pp. 143–151.

I've put the PDF of these papers here: 

The issue had many other interesting articles: see the table of contents.



Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

On 2 November 2017 at 01:48, Dimitry Shevchenko via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

Dear Indologists,

Does anyone have a pdf of Madeleine Biardeau's article "Vacaspati Misra: a syncretist?" It has been published in Mitravani-Vacaspati Visesanka, pp. 137-142. Date of publication unknown...

Your help will be much appreciated!

Dimitry Shevchenko

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