With regard to your question on Jivanmukti,( an Adwaitya Doctrine)and whether
it is a' permanent disposition' if I may digress a little bit ,and focus on the Buddhist view
of Nirvana, I think that may be an answer to your later query.

In the Khandaka Vagga of Samyukta
Nikaya( the 3rd part of Sutta Pitaka) Siddhartha Gautama Buddha in presence of Sariputta and
other Bhikkhus clearly spells out the conditions for attaining liberation ( or Nirvana) IN
Buddha makes it a point that the mendicant has to show aversion to Perception.....aversion to
Composite Unity( i.e. Samskara)....aversion to consciousness( i.e.the Pancha Skandha...namely
Rupa,Vedana,Samgya,Samskara Vigyan),and he will be liberated in this world.Thus Nirvana lands
a Bhikkhu in such a state of mind where his liberation, in this life, is of 'permanent