Gôpalla Grâmam ou le village de Gôpallam (édition bilingue tamoul-français / Tamil-French bilingual edition)
Récit traduit du tamoul et présenté par Elisabeth Sethupathy, Regards sur l'Asie du Sud no. 10, Institut Français de Pondichéry, 2017, 267 p.
Languages: Tamil, French 650 Rs (28 €).  ISBN: 978-81-8470-217-0

This multifaceted novel projects us into a village in Tamil Nadu which is believed to have been established by Telugu people, who like many others centuries ago, left Andhra and its turmoil to settle in the peaceful environment of southern Tamil Nadu. Belonging himself to such a village, Ki. Rajanarayanan, a gifted story-teller, succeeds in giving us an authentic view of rural Indian life in all its depth and moving humanity.

About the author

Ki. Rajanarayanan (born in 1922) whose ancestors were Telugus, is a Tamil writer whose work includes novels, short-stories and numerous essays. Equally involved in folklore and deeply concerned with rural life, he has, since the nineteen-fifties, never stopped documenting his karisal region through its oral literature, dialect specificities, ways of life and mentalities. He inspired a whole generation of writers and has trained folklore specialists in Tamil Nadu. He received the Sahitya Akademi award in 1991.

About the translator

Elisabeth Barnoud-Sethupathy, Associate Professor at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO, Paris) is in charge of the Tamil Studies Department and is a specialist of pedagogical issues in contemporary Tamil.


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