There is also in the Divyāvadāna, in the Aśoka legend cycle, the story of the Gift of the Half Mango (pp. 430-32 ed. Cowell - Neil: , here = ± same text as Kumāralāta's Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā Dṛṣṭāntapaṅkti, ed. Lüders pp. 149-150). I suppose that the text is translated by J. S. Strong in The Legend of King Aśoka: A study and translation of the Aśokāvadāna, Princeton UP, 1983, Delhi: Motilal (Buddhist Tradition series 6), 1989. I do not think that the translation is in J. Tatelman, The Heavenly Exploits: Buddhist biographies from the Dívyavadána, vol. 1, New York, The Clay Sanskrit Library, 2005 ; but maybe it will be in A. Rotman, Divine Stories: Divyāvadāna, Part 2, Boston: Wisdom Publications (Classics of Indian Buddhism series), 2017  (Part 1 issued in 2008). 

De: Klaus Karttunen via INDOLOGY <>
Objet: Rép : [INDOLOGY] Request for subscription
Date: 10 octobre 2017 10:03:34 UTC+2

I have following references
Dalgado, Portuguese vocables. ss.vv. afonsa, manga (with suppl.) & Glosario Luso-Asiatico ss.vv. afonsa, ambo, manga (with suppl.).    
Gode, P. K. 1959. “References to Grafted Mangoes in India between A.D. 1500 and 1800”, JAOS 79, 281f. (also in Journal of the Univ. of Gauhati 10:1, 195?, 81–83, and Gode's Collected Studies 1, 452–454).
Misra, V. N. 1962. “The mango-blossom imagery in Kālidāsa”, JAOS 82, 68–??.
Mitra, Sarat Chandra 1934. “On plant-lore from Bihar”, JASB N.S. 30, 25–28.
Monier Williams 18??. The Religious Thought and Life. p. 446 on god Ekāmranātha (form of Śiva) in Kāñcīpuram. 

In Pāli literature:
Jātaka 186 (Dadhivāhanajātaka) A mango seed (‘bone’) is planted in royal garden and watered with milk water and in the third year it yielded fruit. Now it was given all care: watering it with milk water, giving it auspicious wreaths, throwing garlands around it, lighting it by burning fragrant oil and putting a shroud around it. It’s fruits were sweet and golden yellow. When the king sent a fruit to other kings, he let pierce with a maṇḍu prickle the part of the seed where the sprout starts, and thus they could not grow new mangos. In order to make the fruits bitter, the wicked gardener planted nimba trees and paggava creepers around it and eventually the fruits went bitter. To correct it the king let all nimbas and paggavas to be removed and also the bitter earth to be removed, put on sweet earth instead and let the tree be watered with milk water, sugar water and fragrant waters. Thus it became sweet again. 
Vimānavatthu 6, 3 (67) Commentary: King Bimbisāra wanted mangoes out of due season. By forced measures, his gardener produced four, but, seeing Mahā-Moggallāna, gave them as alms. The king accepted this and gave him a reward.   
Petavatthu 2, 12 & 3, 3 The motif of casting mangoes to the river. 
Mahāvaṁsa 15, 38–43 A miraculous mango tree.   

Best, Klaus

De: Jean-Luc Chevillard via INDOLOGY <>
Objet:[INDOLOGY] Mango miracle (Re: Fwd: Request for subscription
Date: 10 octobre 2017 05:14:05 UTC+2
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First thing which comes to my mind is the well-known story of the "Mango miracle" which the 12th cent. Periya Purāṇam attributes to Kāraikkāl Ammaiyār (one of the 63 Tamil Shaiva saints, who may have lived in the 6th century.

See the pointer to a popular modern retelling of the story (as a movie)

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (in Pondicherry)

On 10/10/2017 08:15, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY wrote:
Ms Kavya Murthy sends the following query.  Please send answers her directly <mailto:​> (and CC the list if you wish).  Ms Murthy is a professional writer and editor.
With thanks,
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From: *Kavya Murthy* <
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Date: 9 October 2017 at 19:41
If you would consider a request to members, I wanted to ask the following question.
As I mentioned, I am researching mangoes - as a cultural matter of taste. One of the first things I'm setting out to do is learn as much as possible about mangoes in Indian history or philosophy or travelogue,   or any texts. I wished to explore mangoes as metaphor, as ingredient, as mudra or prose.
It would be so great to ask this forum about references and reading I can start with! Naresh Keerthi who recommends that I ask the forum has already pointed me towards Pampa mahakavi.
Thanks ever so much.

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