Dear Martin and friends,

Some time back, I uploaded the volumes of the Ayurvediya Sabdakosa by Josi and Josi to  These volumes are a precious resource for ayurvedic vocab.  "Agnidagdha" and "agnidāha" are on v.1, page five, with clear meanings and some references.  

I recommend these volumes to everyone for checking out puzzling ayurvedic words.



Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

On 1 October 2017 at 08:59, Martin Gansten via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Monier-Williams (relying on Böhtlingk/Roth) explains the word agnidāha as 'a particular disease'. Is there any more precise information out there on which particular disease this might be?

Thanks in advance,
Martin Gansten

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