Dear Alakendu (if I may),

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion. May I point you to my reply to Andrea Acri's questions? The Mayans or even the Babylonians before the Mayans already used a symbol as placeholder in a positional system, but as far as I know, they did not use it as a zero in its own rights, if I'm not mistaken. On the other hand, this is precisely what the Bakhshali manuscript content hints at.

Best wishes,


From: alakendu das []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Once again on the origin of zero: the date of the Bakhshali manuscript (or manuscripts?)

Thanks for your response. I would mention a link here ,which may be useful to you. Ref-Canadian Museum of History)

I would also mention a line from the link,which goes as follows- 'That the Maya understood the value of
zero is remarkable -most of world's civilisations had no concept of zero at that time'

The moot point is that the Mayans may not be using zero as a place-value ,as efficiently as the
Bakshali mms did, but ,if the issue is that of ORIGIN OF ZERO ,then, would be out of place to grant the
Mayans this honour?