
Thank you,once again, for the article by Jason Brown, entitled-'Microgenesis and Buddhsim'.
It is an illuminating article focussing on hidden areas.However, I would ,with all humbleness,
like to mention that there exists an apparent contradiction between momentariness (
KshanikaVada)and law of Dependent Origination( Patticchya Samutpada),which has been
explicitly mentioned and denounced in Badarayan's BrahmaSutra' where he states-आसती प्रतिग्ग्या
अपरोधे जौग्ग्यपदयाम अनन्यथा .

Logically viewing, an entity which is Kshanika i.e created and destructed instantly
cannot lead to another entity ( which is the Law of dependent origination)