Hello Victor,

     I have not seen Śākhāvr̥kṣa as an example in a Sanskrit grammatical work or in Sanskrit literature.  However, I see this word used in Marathi and Hindi texts dealing with genealogical trees and describing the Śākhās of the Veda.  The explanation by the commentator on Meghadūta seems appropriate: śiñjāvanti valayāni as a parallel to śākhāvān vr̥kṣaḥ.

Madhav Deshpande

On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 8:20 AM, victor davella via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear All,

Has anyone come across śākhāvṛkṣavat samāsaḥ as an explanation for a Sanskrit compound? I have encountered it in Dakṣiṇāvartanātha's commentary ad Meghadūta 76 (2.16/19 etc.) to explain śiñjā-valaya- :

śiñjā śiñjitaṃ; śiñjāvanti valayāni śiñjāvalayāni | śākhāvṛkṣavat samāsaḥ. 

The elision of a possessive suffix (matublopa) is known from the Mahābhāṣya, but I am not familiar with the example śākhāvṛkṣa.  Please reply on-list so that everyone may benefit from the exchange.

Many thanks in advance.


Victor B. D'Avella
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Universität Hamburg

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