Dear All,Has anyone come across śākhāvṛkṣavat samāsaḥ as an explanation for a Sanskrit compound? I have encountered it in Dakṣiṇāvartanātha's commentary ad Meghadūta 76 (2.16/19 etc.) to explain śiñjā-valaya- :śiñjā śiñjitaṃ; śiñjāvanti valayāni śiñjāvalayāni | śākhāvṛkṣavat samāsaḥ.The elision of a possessive suffix (matublopa) is known from the Mahābhāṣya, but I am not familiar with the example śākhāvṛkṣa. Please reply on-list so that everyone may benefit from the exchange.Many thanks in advance.VictorVictor B. D'AvellaWissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterUniversität Hamburg
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