Dear Dr. Mak,
They are not hypermetrical. A mixture of Triṣṭubh and Jagatī metres in one stanza is found in verses of the old stratum of the Mahābhārata, in the older Pali scriptures, e.g. the Suttanipāta, Dhammapada, Theragāthā etc., in the Mahāvastu, and in the older so-called "Mahāyāna" scriptures, such as the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Samādhirñasūtra etc. See my article: "The Triṣṭubh-Jagatī Verses in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka" (ṣṭubh-Jagatī_Verses_in_the_Saddharmapuṇḍarīka).
With best regards,
Seishi Karashima

2017-07-08 20:08 GMT+09:00 Bill Mak via INDOLOGY <>:
Dear colleagues,

I am currently editing the Vṛddhayavanajātaka and came across a chapter that is full of hypermetrical pādas (always vaṃśastha) in an otherwise regular upajāti text. I understand that hypermetrical upajāti is noted in the epics. Could anyone enlighten me on this phenomenon, its history and how widespread it is?

Here is a sample:
04.03ab śanaiścare lagnagate ca nīcage pāpāṃśake pāpayute ca dṛṣṭe/ [a: h.m.]
04.03cd pāpasya lagne guruṇā vimukte pāpāt prasūtiṃ pravadanti candre//3//
04.07ab yadā śaniḥ pañcamadharmago 'thavā bhaumo 'tha bandhuvyayagaḥ kathaṃcana/ [ab: h.m.]
04.07cd tadāṅgabhaṅgaṃ pravadet samagraṃ dṛṣṭe balena pravadanti kiṃcit//7//
04.09ab bhaume 'ṣṭame sūryasute vilagne nabhastalasthe himaraśmije ca/
04.09cd vane prasūtiṃ pravadanti yoṣitāṃ sūryeṇa mārge manujair vivarjite//9// [cd: h.m.]
04.10ab śanaiścare mūrtigate himāṃśuje vyayasthite nīcagate prabhākare/ [ab: h.m.]
04.10cd vilomajanma pravadanti bhūmije sabhārgave nālaviveṣṭitasya//10// [c: h.m.]
04.14ab śanaiścare vīryayute tu taijasaṃ sūryeṇa tāmrodbhavam eva bhūṣaṇam/ [ab: h.m.]
04.14cd candreṇa māṇikyabhavaṃ hiraṇyajaṃ saumyena śukreṇa ca rītisambhavam//14// [cd: h.m.]
07.70ab kleśān vicitrān sutadāravairaṃ dhanapraṇāśaṃ pracurāṃ ca vāṇīm/
07.70cd lāgnī daśā mandadaśāvipāke pāpā vidhatte vividhāṃś ca rogān//70//

Note: In the case of 4.14, the entire verse becomes vaṃśastha.
7.70b - I am keen to emend vāṇīm to vāṇinīm, assuming it is hypermetrical.

Many thanks in advanced for any hint!

Bill Mak

Bill M. Mak

Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町


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