Dear colleagues,I am currently editing the Vṛddhayavanajātaka and came across a chapter that is full of hypermetrical pādas (always vaṃśastha) in an otherwise regular upajāti text. I understand that hypermetrical upajāti is noted in the epics. Could anyone enlighten me on this phenomenon, its history and how widespread it is?Here is a sample:04.03ab śanaiścare lagnagate ca nīcage pāpāṃśake pāpayute ca dṛṣṭe/ [a: h.m.]04.03cd pāpasya lagne guruṇā vimukte pāpāt prasūtiṃ pravadanti candre//3//04.07ab yadā śaniḥ pañcamadharmago 'thavā bhaumo 'tha bandhuvyayagaḥ kathaṃcana/ [ab: h.m.]04.07cd tadāṅgabhaṅgaṃ pravadet samagraṃ dṛṣṭe balena pravadanti kiṃcit//7//04.09ab bhaume 'ṣṭame sūryasute vilagne nabhastalasthe himaraśmije ca/04.09cd vane prasūtiṃ pravadanti yoṣitāṃ sūryeṇa mārge manujair vivarjite//9// [cd: h.m.]04.10ab śanaiścare mūrtigate himāṃśuje vyayasthite nīcagate prabhākare/ [ab: h.m.]04.10cd vilomajanma pravadanti bhūmije sabhārgave nālaviveṣṭitasya//10// [c: h.m.]04.14ab śanaiścare vīryayute tu taijasaṃ sūryeṇa tāmrodbhavam eva bhūṣaṇam/ [ab: h.m.]04.14cd candreṇa māṇikyabhavaṃ hiraṇyajaṃ saumyena śukreṇa ca rītisambhavam//14// [cd: h.m.]07.70ab kleśān vicitrān sutadāravairaṃ dhanapraṇāśaṃ pracurāṃ ca vāṇīm/07.70cd lāgnī daśā mandadaśāvipāke pāpā vidhatte vividhāṃś ca rogān//70//Note: In the case of 4.14, the entire verse becomes vaṃśastha.7.70b - I am keen to emend vāṇīm to vāṇinīm, assuming it is hypermetrical.Many thanks in advanced for any hint!Bill MakBill M. Mak--Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
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