One more :

V. S. APTE (1858-1892)

Kusumamala or a collection of choice extracts from standard Sanskrit writers in prose and verse,

No. I. Designed for students learning the ?? standard in high school (1th ed. Poona 1891, 2nd by M.S. Apte 1894, 4th 1900, 5th 1907) 16th ed. [by B.M. Apte] Bombay, 1929

No. II. Designed for students preparing for the Matriculation Examination, with explanatory notes, (1th. ed. Poona: Arya Vijaya & Shri-Shetkari Press 1891, 2nd by M.S. Apte 1892, 3rd 1893), 4th ed. [Poona, 1902]

5th ed. Poona: Shiralkar, 1906

21st ed. [by B.M. Apte] Bombay, 1930

Début du message réexpédié :

De: Christophe Vielle <>
Objet: Rép : [INDOLOGY] Sanskrit Readers: overview
Date: 26 juin 2017 18:49:16 UTC+2
À: Antonia Ruppel <>
Cc: Klaus Karttunen <>

A few additional datas:

Othmar Frank's Chrestomathia has a second volume (pars altera) 1821:

(better exemplar of part 1:

Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich (1807-1887) [Hrsg.]
Sanskrit-Texte mit Vokabular : für Anfänger / [hrsg. von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler]. - Breslau : In Commission bei Max Mälzer, 1867. - 24, 16 S.
Notiz: Der Name des Herausgebers wird im Werk selbst nicht genannt.

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10251163-6 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

URL: (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 7. Okt. 2009, Vorlage: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

is really a reader per se.

Beside, note the expansion of the reader part in the successive versions of

Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich (1807-1887)
Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Text, Wörterbuch / von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. - Breslau : Mälzer, 1868. - 84 S.

URL: (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 14. Juni 2007, Vorlage: Oxford Univ.)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Text, Wörterbuch / von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. - 2., verm. Aufl. - Breslau : Mälzer, 1872. - 109 S.

URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 9. November 2006, Vorlage: University of Michigan)
Dateiformat: DjVu; PDF; TXT

Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Text, Wörterbuch / von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. - 4., verb. Aufl. - Breslau : Koehler's Hofbuchhandlung, 1880. - 127 S.

URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 19. Juli 2006, Vorlage: University of Michigan)
Dateiformat: DjVu; PDF; TXT
Notiz: Von Google Books übernommen.

Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Text, Wörterbuch / von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. - 5. verb. Aufl. - Breslau : Koehler's Hofbuchhandlung, 1885. - 127 S.

URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 13. September 2006, Vorlage: University of Michigan)
Dateiformat: DjVu; PDF; TXT
Notiz: Von Google Books übernommen.

Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch / von Adolf Friedrich Stenzel. Umgearb. von Richard Pischel. - 6. Aufl. - Breslau : Köhler's Hofbuchhandlung, 1892. - 115 S.
Notiz: Bearbeiter: Pischel, Richard (1849-1908).

URL: (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 16. Oktober 2007, Vorlage: Harvard University)
Dateiformat: DjVu; PDF; TXT
Notiz: Von Google Books übernommen.

James R. Ballantyne's First Lessons in Sanskrit Grammar together with an Introduction to the Hitopadeśa, 2nd ed. London 1873, is a kind of reader (of the Hitopadeśa) in its part 2

(sorry for my references: "" should be replaced by "")

See also:

Hitopadeśa: The Sanskrit text of the First Book, or Mitra-Lábha; with a grammatical analysis, alphabetically arranged, Francis Johnson, London : James Madden, 1840

Hitopadeśa: The Sanskrit text, with a grammatical analysis, alphabetically arranged, Francis Johnson, London: W. H. Allen and Company, 1847

2nd ed. 1864 :

Cf. also his translation of 1848 “for the use of the Sanskrit student” :

And in the series “Handbooks for the study of Sanskrit” edited by Max Müller

I,1 The first Book of the Hitopadeśa: containing the Sanskrit Text, with Interlinear Transliteration, Grammatical Analysis, and English Translation, 1864

I,2 The Sanskrit Text [only] of the First Book

II,1 The Second, Third, and Fourth Books of the Hitopadeśa: containing the Sanskrit Text, with Interlinear Translation, 1865

II,2 The Sanskrit Text [only] of the Second, Third, and Fourth Books

There is also
     W. Caland, Sāvitrī en Nala: Twee episoden uit het Mahābhārata. Tekst met korte verlarende noten en woordenlijst, Utrecht: A. Oosthoek, 1916; German version:  Sāvitrī und Nala: Zwei Episoden aus dem Mahābhārata. Text mit kurzen erklärenden Noten und GlossarUtrecht: A. Oosthoek, 1917 (see : part)

But to list all such kinds of readers based on one or two texts only will probably extend the list too much.

I add a few links within Klaus' references :

Le 26 juin 2017 à 12:23, Klaus Karttunen via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :

Dear all,
as it is my custom not to read mail in weekends I read these messages only now. But this is really interesting. While Joh. Schmidt and some recent things were new to me, I can also make some additions, although many of them are just curiosa and not seen by me:


Bühler, G.: Third Reading Book for the Use of High Schools. With a glossary by Vishnu S. Pandit. 122+103 p. Bombay 1868, 3rd ed. Bombay 1888.

Carey, William: A Sanskrit Chrestomathy (title?) containing extracts from the Hitopadeśa, Daśakumāracarita and Bhartṛhari, Serampur 1804.

Dimmitt, C. & J. A. B. Van Buitenen: Classical Hindu Mythology. A Reader in Sanskrit Purāṇas. 13+373 p. Philadelphia 1978 (with transl. & glossary).

Friš, Oldřich: Sanskrìtská čítanka. 1-2. Praha 1954-56 (Reader and glossary, ed. by V. Pořízka, in Czech).

Gajendragadkar, A. B. & R. D. Karmarkar: First Year Sanskrit Poetic Selections. No. 2. 329+45 p. Bombay 1927.

------    Intermediate Sanskrit Selections. No. 2. 287 p. Bombay 1927. – see J. Charpentier, Monde Or. 23, 1929, 315f.

Gelabert y Gordiola, Juan: Lengua sanskrita: crestomatia y gramática. 28+424 p. Madrid 1890 and several editions.

digitalized by google but not readable

Harkness, H. & Visvamba Sastri: A Sanscrit Primer, or First Book of a series designed to assist native students in the acquirement of a correct and grammatical knowledge of this language. 2+78+3 p. Madras 1827 (in Tamil letters [not grantha?]).

------    The Second Book of the series… 128 p. Madras 1828.

------    The Third Book of the series… 120 p. Madras 1828.

------    The same in 3 vols., (or 6 vols), ed. in Telugu letters. Madras 1827.

Hjortshøj, Erik Pihlkjær: Introduction to Sanskrit. 1. Reader. Part 1. Texts. 4+2+182 p. Aarhus 1984 (Vet25, Hit, Pt, Mbh, KSS, poems).

Kane, P. V.: Saṁskṛtagadyāvaliḥ: Selections from Sanskrit prose. 228 p. Bombay & London 1931.

------    Saṁskṛtapadyāvaliḥ: Selections from Sanskrit poetry with brief notes. 156 p. Bombay & London 1934.

Kellner, Hermann Camillo: ed. Lied vom König Nala. Erstes Lesebuch für Anfänger im Sanskrit. 10+252 p. Lp. 1885.

Leupol, Louis, with assistance of Em. Burnouf: Selectae e Sanscriticis scriptoribus paginae. Choix de morceaux Sanscrits traduits, annotés, analysés. P. 1867 (Manu, Mbh etc.).

Pullè, Francesco Lorenzo: Piccola Crestomazia sanscrita. 1873.

------    Crestomazia sanscrita e vedica. 1878.

Suru, N. G.: A Sanskrit Reader. 192?.

Tsuji, Naoshiro: Sanskrit Tokuhon. 313 p. T. 1975 (Sanskrit Reader).

Vasconcelos de Abreu, G.: Manual para o estudo do sãoskrito classico.  2. Chrestomathia. 70 p. Lisboa 1883 (C. de Harlez, Le Muséon 3, 1884, 158f.).

digitalized by google but not readable

Vidyabhushana, V.: Saṁskṛta-pāṭha-mālā. Sanskrit Reader. 1-2. 7th ed. of pt. 1 & 5th of pt. 2. Calcutta 1922.

Yates, William: The Sunscrit Reader, or easy Introduction to the Reading of the Sunscrit Language. In five parts I. Select Sentences II. Dialogues III. Duties of Young person IV. Fables V. Poetical Extracts. 64 p. Calcutta 1821 (in Bengali letters, very rare), 2nd ed. (in Devanāgarī) Calcutta 1822.    

Klaus Karttunen
South Asian and Indoeuropean Studies
Asian and African Studies, Department of World Cultures
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel +358-(0)2941 4482418
Fax +358-(0)2941 22094

On 24 Jun 2017, at 16:50, Antonia Ruppel via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear all,

Thank you so much for these contributions! I will give it another week or so, and will then put together everything into one master list.

All the very best,

On 24 June 2017 at 13:12, rrocher via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Great!  Thanks, 


On 6/24/17 6:13 AM, Christophe Vielle wrote:
Here are a few links to digital editions of Lassen's Anthologia Sanscritica :

For more, see

And already on Indologica:

Lassen, Christian (1800-1876)

Anthologia sanscritica : glossario instructa / in usum scholarum ed. Christianus Lassen. - Bonnae ad Rhenum : Koenig, 1838. - XIV, 358 S.

URL: (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 28. Aug. 2009, Vorlage: Univ. Gent)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

Anthologia Sanscritica : glossario instructa / in usum scholarum edidit Christianus Lassen. Denuo adornavit Ioannes Gildemeister. - Editio altera, novis curis retractata. - Bonnae ad Rhenum : Apud Adolphum Marcum, 1868. - XVI, 300 S.

URL: (University of Michigan, Hathi Trust Digital Library)
Dateiformat: G; PDF; TXT

Le 24 juin 2017 à 09:24, Asko Parpola via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :

The first edition was by Lassen (I have a personal copy):

Lassen, Christianus, 1838. Anthologia sanscritica glossario instructa. In usum scholarum edidit Christianus Lassen. Bonnae ad Rhenum: Impensis H. B. Koenig. xv, 360 pp. 

A second edition edited by Gildemeister came out in 1865:
Lassen, Christian, 1865. Anthologia sanscṛitica glossario instructa, in usum scholarum edita. (1. Aufl. Bonn 1838.) Denuo adornavit Joannes Gildemeister. Bonn: A. Marcus. xvi, 290 pp. 
It was critically reviewed by Albrecht Weber, Literarische Central-Blatt 31 (1865): 810-811. The review is reprinted in Weber's Indische Streifen II (Berlin: Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1869): 292-296.

A third revised edition came out in 1868:
Lassen, Christian, 1868. Anthologia sanscṛitica glossario instructa. Denuo adornavit Ioannes Gildemeister. Editio altera novis curis retractata. Bonn: A. Marcus. xvi, 301 pp.    

With best wishes,


On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 12:38 AM, rrocher via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

There is also Christian Lassen's Anthologia Sanscritica Glossario Instructa in Usum Scholarum, Bonn, Marcus, 1868, which bills itself a second, augmented edition of an anthology by the same title by Joannes Gildemeister.  Lassen's is in and Hathi Trust, but I am unable to find the first edition by Gildemeister, which does not appear in WorldCat.   


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:Re: [INDOLOGY] Sanskrit Readers: overview
Date:Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:13:05 -0400
From:rrocher via INDOLOGY <>
Reply-To:rrocher <>

Here is the reader I grew up on at the University of Brussels: 

Thumb, Albert, Handbuch des Sanskrit, II. Teil: Texte und Glossar von Richard Hauschild, Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1953. 
It fits in the category of general readers. 

Best wishes, 
Rosane Rocher 

On 6/22/17 3:41 PM, Antonia Ruppel via INDOLOGY wrote:
Dear all,

The conversations about Sanskrit Readers on-list and the many truly kind and helpful emails I received off-list suggested to me that an inventory of these books might be useful. Please find below all the Readers I am aware of, with pdf download links wherever available, or alternatively lists of the libraries that (according to WorldCat) hold a copy.

If anyone has anything to add to this list (more titles, more links, pdfs, other information), I would greatly appreciate it if you could send it to me, and in a few weeks' time, I will send a more complete version of this inventory to the Indology list.

All the very best,

General Readers


Gangopadhyay, M., Bhasabodhini: a Sanskrit Reader (Sri Garib Das Oriental Series) (1991, 2003) (held by the British Library, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt/Zentrale, Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library)


Brough, J., Selections from Classical Sanskrit Literature (1978)

(available to buy)


Mylius, K., Chrestomathie der Sanskritliteratur (1978, current imprint 2005)

(available to buy)


Warder, A. K., Sanskrit prose reader (1965) (3 vols: texts, vocabulary, notes)

pdfs of all three volumes will soon be available


Mahalinga Sastri, Y., A First Reader of Sanskrit (1947)

(held by: SOAS and the U of Hawai’i at Manoa)


Banerji, H.C, The New Method Sanskrit reader (1933)

(not available for download, held by: SOAS)

Böhtlingk, O., Sanskrit-Chrestomathie (1909)

(download: )


Liebich, B.,  Sanskrit-Lesebuch. Zur Einführung in die altindische Sprache und Literatur (1905)

(download: )

Liebich, B.,  Präparierheft zu Liebich Sanskrit-Lesebuch (1906)

(held by: Harvard College Library)


Lanman, C. R., A Sanskrit Reader (1883)

(download: )


Schmidt, J., Kleine Sanskrit-Chrestomathie (1868)

(download:•+Johannes+Schmidt:+Kleine+Sanskrit-Chrestomathie.&source=bl&ots=7AzbQl3zZD&sig=2TFDr8XRqByIa4JxRqow8w9GIG4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigpMjlgtLUAhWe14MKHbCDBqAQ6AEILzAC#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%A2%20Johannes%20Schmidt%3A%20Kleine%20Sanskrit-Chrestomathie.&f=false )


Hoefer, A., Sanskrit‐Lesebuch mit Benutzung handschriftlicher Quellen (1849)

(download: )


Readers with a focus on particular texts or genres:


Hock, H. H., An Early Upanishadic Reader (2006)

(available to buy)


Dhammajoti, B., Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts (2015?)

(not available as a pdf, currently no copies available for sale)


Gonda, J., A Sanskrit Reader, containing seventeen epic and puranic texts, with a glossary (1935) (held by: Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek München, Bibliothek der Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Royal Danish Library - Copenhagen / CUL (DKB), Danish Union Catalogue and Danish National Bibliography)


Vedic Readers


Macdonell, A. A., A Vedic Reader for Students (1917)

(download: )


Hillebrandt, A., Vedachrestomathie (1885)

(does not seem to be available as a pdf online; available to buy as a modern reprint, held by various libraries)


Windisch, E., Zwölf Hymnen des Rgveda mit Sāyaṇa's Commentar (1883)



Delbrück, B., Vedische Chrestomathie (1874)

(download: )


Sanskrit ‘Readers’ that feature collections of texts in translation


J. F. Staal (ed.), A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians (1972)



Kretschmer, H. Sanskrit Reader 1: A Reader in Sanskrit Literature (2015)

(print-on-demand, information:


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